Sensual Rituals

Right now we are being offered a moment of relief amidst the underworld journey of Autumn. Last night’s full moon in Taurus asks us to turn our attention toward the people, places, and things that make us feel good. She wants us to remember that it is beauty that sustains us, pleasure which gives meaning to our days and that the connections we share with others are what make life worth living.

Today the sensual nature of the mundane is highlighted. Even the most simple daily tasks can be elevated to acts pleasure when we greet them with presence. As you wash the dishes, notice the sensation of warm water on bare skin, the texture of glass and clay, which form the vessels that nourish you daily. Savor each smile exchanged with a stranger. Endeavor to bring your whole self today this day—your hopes and fears, your beauty, and your anguish. Be generous in your interactions with others, and lavish yourself with love and care.

This moon asks us to trust the wisdom of our bodies. If you feel tired, rest; if you feel inspired to dance, dance in ways you’ve never before allowed yourself to. Eat a pomegranate in the bath. Massage your feet, hands, or whole body with luscious warm oil. Do something beautiful, kind, and absurd—just for you.

Pleasure is a necessity that should be afforded to all persons regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. May this moon serve as a spell for making this so. May we cast off shame, doubt, and judgment for wanting what we want, loving what we love. May we make choices in our lives that allow our softest selves to emerge. May tenderness be our guide. And may we embrace our desire wholly, knowing it is good. May this moment set a precedent for delight down the line, and may you claim for yourself the exquisitely sensual life that is now and has always been your birthright.

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