Magenta Cholla


 f i n d i n g    y o u r    r o l e    i n    t h e    r e v o l u t i o n


This is a time to rest and rejoice and also to continue to rise and resist. We must not settle back into complacency or fool ourselves into thinking that the work is done. This shift is an opening and an opportunity to organize and show up with greater power and purpose than ever before.

Flower essences are profound medicines in moments like these. They help us bloom into the people we were born to become and allow us to embody the gifts we came to this world to share with others. All essences have this potential. However, there is one that stands out as a particularly profound catalyst for collective transformation—and that is Magenta Cholla.

Magenta Cholla helps us bravely take the next steps in our personal evolution so that we can more fully offer our gifts to the world. Her medicine allows us to trust ourselves, our experiences, and our bodily wisdom. She helps us shed outdated paradigms that place power into the hands of the few rather than the embrace of the many. Because this movement will take all of us. No matter who you are or what skills you have, you are needed, and your gifts are essential.


Magenta Cholla helps us break free from the illusion that there is a right way and a wrong way to effect change when, in fact, all contributions are valid and meaningful. Her medicine supports us in remaining sovereign in ourselves while actively contributing our gifts to a movement that is so much larger than any one person.

The revolution will require us each of us to show up in our own unique way, wielding wisdom that only we can. Magenta Cholla dismantles hierarchical thinking and reminds us that it is indeed a movement, not a messiah, that will usher in real change. At its core, this is an essence for finding your people, trusting your gut, and stepping fully onto your path so that you can become the change-maker you were born to be.

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