
Cleavers is the herb for reawakening the system after a long season of days spent indoors and meals filled with rich foods. However, despite its remarkable ability to cleanse and renew the body, cleavers remains widely unknown. Cleavers is regarded as a pesky weed by many folks, but in my opinion, it's a miracle that it's not on the cover of every beauty magazine this time of year.

Drink cleavers daily for a couple of weeks, and you'll begin to notice that your skin grows clear and luminous, your mood feels more balanced, and your energy levels are higher. Like most nourishing tonic herbs, the longer you work with cleavers, the more you will experience the benefits it has to offer.

I've written an in-depth guide that covers everything you

need to know about working with Cleavers safely and effectively!


In the guide, you'll learn to identify, harvest, and prepare the most effective remedies from this powerful plant. You'll also be invited to explore the spiritual and emotional significance of Cleavers and apply its transformative wisdom in your own life.

If you have any questions along the way, you can pop them in the comments section, and I'll get back to you with an answer right away! It is such an honor to share this extraordinary plant with you. I hope it helps you feel your best this springtime and beyond!

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