Austin, TX

The more I drink Texas in, the closer I feel to this Land. I sip Yaupon Holly and gather fallen Pecans; collect the precious heat of Chili Pequin and offer the steam of Lantana as medicine to my family. These and countless other plants are a part of my daily life here. Agarita, Sumac, Juniper, Anemone—their names a sacred litany of the land.

The most profound sense of belonging we can feel as humans is that of belonging to a place. When we cultivate a relationship to the land, whether or not it is where we plan to put down roots, we are practicing the most ancient form of communion available to us as humans, and healing our hearts in the process.

This living relationship with Land was something your ancestors and all ancient humans knew. It is not esoteric; available only to the few. Cultivating a dynamic living connection to the wider world of which we are all a part is the most healing practice I know of. I feel more vital, more human, more myself when I am feeding this connection daily.

The more we love, understand, and are in relationship with a place, the more likely we are to become good stewards and allies of that land. And so, I hope that the words which follow will inspire you to cultivate your own vibrant own connection to the magic of Austin and the Texas Hill Country, whether you’re just here for the weekend or planting seeds to last a lifetime.

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