Practices For Dreaming

Dreaming is an essential practice for a world in crisis. When we open ourselves to the world of our dreams, personal healing is radically accelerated, and collective healing becomes possible. Individuals versed in the language of dreams have a significantly increased capacity for responding to challenging circumstances and accessing creative solutions.

Dreams open us to a form of cognition that is different than our normal waking state, but no less valid or valuable. The learning that is possible in the dream state is simply not accessible to us in waking. By tapping into our dreams as a space of inquiry, we come to know the world in a much deeper and more multidimensional way.

Traditional peoples across the globe look to dreams for prophetic wisdom. Dreams offer us a powerful opportunity for healing and transformation—every single night. They are also a space of initiation. By engaging with them, we gain the tools necessary to access our unique gifts and share them with the world.


Read on for personal tales that illustrate the power of dreaming along with a handful of practices to help you access their gifts in your own life.

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