Adorn The Wild

My past 10 years since becoming a mother have been about re-finding that forgotten playful child self—and discovering anew the splendor, darkness, and light that got buried when I left my imagination behind. Slowly, I am finding my best friend again, that joyous child who danced in the flower beds and lived in all the worlds at once.

Returning to playtime has meant summoning home the soul of that child self. In my own deep loneliness, I could feel her wanting to return to me. What finally led her back was an agreement with all of my selves to play more, to spend more time with flowers, and to create beauty in collaboration with nature in a practice that I call Sacred Playtime.

Sacred Playtime involves creating designs with flower petals and other plant parts. It has become my place of Divine, Playful Magic, a prayer to the inner wild, my channel to the higher beings, and my portal to welcome back the soul of my child and the stories of our ancestors.

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